I'm following the documentation here<https://nightlies.apache.org/flink/flink-docs-master/docs/dev/datastream/operators/asyncio/#async-io-api>, getting async IO to retry on failure. What I want is for the async action to be attempted, say, three times, and then give up and continue processing further records. If it fails after three times, I want to sink the record to a DLQ. I believe the way I should do that is by overriding timeout​, and in there outputting the record to a side output, which I then sink to a DLQ of some sort. (Correct me if I'm wrong and there's a better way of doing this.)
The record in the DLQ should contain error information about what went wrong (e.g. the exceptions that occurred on the three failed attempts). How can I get access to this in the timeout​ function? Thanks!