hi,all I'm using flink 1.15.3 , I want use WindowDeduplicate to drop duplicate record. my stream table schema is : ( `userName` STRING, `userMAC` STRING, `bssid` STRING, `ssid` STRING, `apName` STRING, `radioID` STRING, `vlanid` STRING, `action` STRING, `ddate` STRING, `dtime` STRING, `rawValue` STRING, `region` STRING, `eventTime` TIMESTAMP(3) *ROWTIME* ) when I try code below : TableResult result = tEnv.executeSql("select * from TABLE(TUMBLE(TABLE aplog, DESCRIPTOR(eventTime), INTERVAL '10' SECONDS))");
result.print(); I can see the print result on the console each time when the checkpoint complete, and checkpoint size almost not grow. But when I try to WindowDeduplicate with code : TableResult result = tEnv.executeSql("select * from " + "(select ddate, userMAC, bssid, dtime, userName, apName, action, ssid, rawValue, ROW_NUMBER() OVER (" + "PARTITION BY window_start, window_end, userName ORDER BY eventTime DESC" + ") as row_num from " + "TABLE(TUMBLE(TABLE aplog, DESCRIPTOR(eventTime), INTERVAL '5' SECONDS))" + ") where row_num <= 1"); result.print(); I can't see print result from console , but from the log I can see the checkpoint size is growing after each time checkpoint trigger. I want to know how can I make the records write to sink afer each time checkpoint Complete. Thanks.