Hi First of all, I do understand that I am using a very old version. But as of now the team can not help it. We need to move to Scala 2.12 first and then we will move forward towards the latest version of Flink.
I have added following things to main pom.xml <scala.version>2.11.12</scala.version> <scala.binary.version>2.11</scala.binary.version> Under Scala-2.11 removed following lines <property> <name>!scala-2.12</name> </property> Added <activeByDefault>false</activeByDefault> Under Scala-2.12 Added <activeByDefault>false</activeByDefault> Command : mvn clean install -DskipTests -Dscala-2.12 -Dscala.version=2.12.16 Error : Failed to execute goal com.github.siom79.japicmp:japicmp-maven-plugin:0.11.0:cmp (default) on project flink-metrics-core: Execution default of goal com.github.siom79.japicmp:japicmp-maven-plugin:0.11.0:cmp failed: A required class was missing while executing com.github.siom79.japicmp:japicmp-maven-plugin:0.11.0:cmp: javax/xml/bind/JAXBException Is there any set of instructions to follow while compiling a flink version for Scala 2.12 ?