Hi Theo,

The most logical reason is that nested attributes were added later than
watermarks were :) I agree that it's something that would be worthwhile to
improve. If you can and want to make a contribution on this, that would be

Best regards,


On Wed, Dec 14, 2022 at 9:24 AM Theodor Wübker <theo.wueb...@inside-m2m.de>

> Actually, this behaviour is documented
> <https://nightlies.apache.org/flink/flink-docs-master/docs/dev/table/sql/create/#create-table>
>  (See
> the Watermarks section, where it is stated that the column must be a
> “top-level” column). So I suppose, there is a reason. Nevertheless it is
> quite a limiting factor, since it makes me unable to use Window queries
> with the desired timestamp as watermark … I suppose one workaround could be
> to transform the table so the attribute is at top level and then use it as
> a watermark. But in my case this would be quite the effort.
> My question remains, what is the reason for this behaviour? Also, are
> there any good workarounds for this?
> Thanks,
> -Theo
> On 14. Dec 2022, at 08:13, Theodor Wübker <theo.wueb...@inside-m2m.de>
> wrote:
> Hey everyone,
> I have encountered a problem with my Table API Program. I am trying to use
> a nested attribute as a watermark. The structure of my schema is a row,
> which itself has 3 rows as attributes and they again have some attributes,
> especially the Timestamp that I want to use as a watermark. Flink does not
> let me reference it using the dot operator, sadly. I checked the sourcecode
> and tracked it down to this (part of a) method in the DefaultSchemaResolver:
> private Column validateTimeColumn(String columnName, List<Column> columns) {
>     final Optional<Column> timeColumn =
>             columns.stream().filter(c -> 
> c.getName().equals(columnName)).findFirst();
>     if (!timeColumn.isPresent()) {
>         throw new ValidationException(
>                 String.format(
>                         "Invalid column name '%s' for rowtime attribute in 
> watermark declaration. Available columns are: %s",
>                         columnName,
> columns.stream().map(Column::getName).collect(Collectors.toList())));
>     } ...
> The list of available columns is just the 3 rows and none of the nested
> attributes. Is there a reason for nested columns being unavailable for
> watermark declaration? Or am I overseeing something / doing something wrong?
> -Theo

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