Hi Yogi,

I think the problem comes from poetry depending on the metadata in PyPI.
This problem has been reported in
https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/FLINK-29817 and I will fix it in


Yogi Devendra <yogideven...@apache.org> 于2022年11月17日周四 06:21写道:

> Dear community/maintainers,
> Thanks for the lovely platform of Apache Flink.
> I got following error when add apache-flink 1.16.0 dependency in my python
> project.
> Given below is the stack trace for further investigation.
> When I tried using lower version (1.15.2) for the same; I was able to move
> forward.
> Can you please confirm if this is a bug or I am doing something wrong?
> -----
> learn-flink git:(master) ✗ poetry add apache-flink --verbose
> Using virtualenv: /Users/d.vyavahare/repo/
> github.com/yogidevendra/python-warm-up/learn-flink/.venv
> Using version ^1.16.0 for apache-flink
> Updating dependencies
> Resolving dependencies... (2.4s)
>   SolveFailure
>   Because pemja (0.2.6) depends on numpy (1.21.4)
>    and apache-flink (1.16.0) depends on numpy (>=1.14.3,<1.20), pemja
> (0.2.6) is incompatible with apache-flink (1.16.0).
>   And because apache-flink (1.16.0) depends on pemja (0.2.6), apache-flink
> is forbidden.
>   So, because no versions of apache-flink match >1.16.0,<2.0.0
>    and learn-flink depends on apache-flink (^1.16.0), version solving
> failed.
>   at ~/Library/Application
> Support/pypoetry/venv/lib/python3.8/site-packages/poetry/mixology/version_solver.py:364
> in _resolve_conflict
>       360│             )
>       361│             self._log(f'! which is caused by
> "{most_recent_satisfier.cause}"')
>       362│             self._log(f"! thus: {incompatibility}")
>       363│
>     → 364│         raise SolveFailure(incompatibility)
>       365│
>       366│     def _choose_package_version(self) -> str | None:
>       367│         """
>       368│         Tries to select a version of a required package.
> The following error occurred when trying to handle this error:
>   SolverProblemError
>   Because pemja (0.2.6) depends on numpy (1.21.4)
>    and apache-flink (1.16.0) depends on numpy (>=1.14.3,<1.20), pemja
> (0.2.6) is incompatible with apache-flink (1.16.0).
>   And because apache-flink (1.16.0) depends on pemja (0.2.6), apache-flink
> is forbidden.
>   So, because no versions of apache-flink match >1.16.0,<2.0.0
>    and learn-flink depends on apache-flink (^1.16.0), version solving
> failed.
>   at ~/Library/Application
> Support/pypoetry/venv/lib/python3.8/site-packages/poetry/puzzle/solver.py:159
> in _solve
>       155│             packages = result.packages
>       156│         except OverrideNeeded as e:
>       157│             return
> self.solve_in_compatibility_mode(e.overrides, use_latest=use_latest)
>       158│         except SolveFailure as e:
>     → 159│             raise SolverProblemError(e)
>       160│
>       161│         combined_nodes =
> depth_first_search(PackageNode(self._package, packages))
>       162│         results = dict(aggregate_package_nodes(nodes) for nodes
> in combined_nodes)
>       163│
> ----
> ~ Yogi

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