Hello Prasanna,

1) Of course we would always recommend you keep up to date. To receive
support and fixes from the Flink community you should try to stick to the
current/previous minor version, as per the policy. Releases for older
versions are rare and typically only performed under
exceptional circumstances

2) This decision is made on a case by case basis and is influenced by the
severity of the issue, demand from the community and availability of

Q) "Would this hold good going forward also?"
Yes, the "Update Policy for old releases" is the active policy. If this
were to change, it would be discussed via mailing list first. There are no
plans to change this as far as I know.


On Wed, Nov 2, 2022 at 6:46 AM Prasanna kumar <prasannakumarram...@gmail.com>

> Hi Community,
> Currently we are using version 1.12.7 and it is running without any issue.
> And we see that version 1.17 is set to release early next year.
> That means we would be 5 versions behind.
> 1) So how far can we lag behind the current flink version ?
> 2) If we face any issues like log4j that we faced last year , would it be
> fixed for older versions if so till what version ?
> This is what I see on the update policy on old releases.  (
> https://flink.apache.org/downloads.html)
> [image: image.png]
>  Would this hold good going forward also ?
> Thanks,
> Prasanna.

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