Hi all,

Looking at the blog with details
https://www.openssl.org/blog/blog/2022/11/01/email-address-overflows it's
shown that vulnerability has been downgraded to High. I don't think that
warrants an emergency re-release of the images.

Best regards,


Op di 1 nov. 2022 om 15:06 schreef Chesnay Schepler <ches...@apache.org>

> We just push new images with the same tags.
> On 01/11/2022 14:35, Matthias Pohl wrote:
> The Docker image for Flink 1.12.7 uses an older base image which comes
> with openssl 1.1.1k. There was a previous post in the OpenSSL mailing list
> reporting a low vulnerability being fixed with 3.0.6 and 1.1.1r (both
> versions being explicitly mentioned) [1]. Therefore, I understand the post
> in a way that only 3.0.x would be affected and, as a consequence, Docker
> images below 1.13- would be fine.
> I verified Mason's finding that only 1.14+ Docker images are affected. No
> entire release is necessary as far as I understand. Theoretically, we would
> only have to push newer Docker images to the registry. I'm not sure what
> the right approach is when it comes to versioning. I'm curious about
> Chesnay's opinion on that one (CC'd).
> [1]
> https://mta.openssl.org/pipermail/openssl-announce/2022-October/000233.html
> On Tue, Nov 1, 2022 at 7:06 AM Prasanna kumar <
> prasannakumarram...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Could we also get an emergency patch to 1.12 version as well , because
>> upgrading flink to a newer version on production in a short time would be
>> high in effort and longer in duration as well .
>> Thanks,
>> Prasanna
>> On Tue, Nov 1, 2022 at 11:30 AM Prasanna kumar <
>> prasannakumarram...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> If flink version 1.12 also affected ?
>>> Thanks,
>>> Prasanna.
>>> On Tue, Nov 1, 2022 at 10:40 AM Mason Chen <mas.chen6...@gmail.com>
>>> wrote:
>>>> Hi Tamir and Martjin,
>>>> We have also noticed this internally. So far, we have found that the
>>>> *latest* Flink Java 11/Scala 2.12 docker images *1.14, 1.15, and 1.16*
>>>> are affected, which all have the *openssl 3.0.2 *dependency. It would
>>>> be good to discuss an emergency release when this patch comes out
>>>> tomorrow, as it is the highest priority level from their severity rating.
>>>> Best,
>>>> Mason
>>>> On Mon, Oct 31, 2022 at 1:10 PM Martijn Visser <
>>>> martijnvis...@apache.org> wrote:
>>>>> Hi Tamir,
>>>>> That depends on a) if Flink is vulnerable and b) if yes, how
>>>>> vulnerable that would be.
>>>>> Best regards,
>>>>> Martijn
>>>>> Op ma 31 okt. 2022 om 19:22 schreef Tamir Sagi <
>>>>> tamir.s...@niceactimize.com>
>>>>>> Hey all,
>>>>>> Following that link
>>>>>> https://eu01.z.antigena.com/l/CjXA7qEmnn79gc24BA2Hb6K2OVR-yGlLfMyp4smo5aXj5Z6WC0dSiHCRPqjSz972DkRNssUoTbxKmp5Pi3IaaVB983yfLJ9MUZY9LYtnBMEKJP5DcQqmhR3SktltkbVG8b7nSRa84kWSnwNJFuXFLA2GrMLTVG7mXdy59-ykolsAWAVAJSDgRdWCv6xN0iczvQ
>>>>>> due to critical vulnerability , there will be an important release
>>>>>> of OpenSSl v3.0.7 tomorrow November 1st.
>>>>>> Is there any plan to update Flink with the newest version?
>>>>>> Thanks.
>>>>>> Tamir
>>>>>> Confidentiality: This communication and any attachments are intended
>>>>>> for the above-named persons only and may be confidential and/or legally
>>>>>> privileged. Any opinions expressed in this communication are not
>>>>>> necessarily those of NICE Actimize. If this communication has come to you
>>>>>> in error you must take no action based on it, nor must you copy or show 
>>>>>> it
>>>>>> to anyone; please delete/destroy and inform the sender by e-mail
>>>>>> immediately.
>>>>>> Monitoring: NICE Actimize may monitor incoming and outgoing e-mails.
>>>>>> Viruses: Although we have taken steps toward ensuring that this
>>>>>> e-mail and attachments are free from any virus, we advise that in keeping
>>>>>> with good computing practice the recipient should ensure they are 
>>>>>> actually
>>>>>> virus free.
>>>>> --
>>>>> Martijn
>>>>> https://twitter.com/MartijnVisser82
>>>>> https://github.com/MartijnVisser

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