Thanks !. Will try this.

On Fri, Oct 21, 2022 at 2:22 PM Piotr Nowojski <> wrote:

> Hi Sriram,
> You can read and modify savepoints using StateProcessor API [1].
> Alternatively, you can modify a code of your function/operator for which
> you want to modify the state. For example in the
> `org.apache.flink.streaming.api.checkpoint.CheckpointedFunction#initializeState`
> method you could add some code that would do a migration of your old state
> to a new one.
> ```
> private transient ValueState<Foo> old;
> private transient ValueState<Foo> new;
> (...)
> initializeState(...) {
>   (...)
>   if (new.value() == null && old.value() != null) {
>     // code to migrate from old to new one
>     new.update(migrate(old.value());
>     old.update(null);
>   }
> }
> ```
> And you can drop such code later, in the next savepoint.
> Best,
> Piotrek
> [1]
> pt., 21 paź 2022 o 10:05 Sriram Ganesh <> napisał(a):
>> Hi All,
>> I am working on a scenario where I need to modify the existing savepoint
>> operator state. Ex: Wanted to remove some offset of the savepoint.
>> What is the better practice for these scenarios?. Could you please help
>> me with any example as such?
>> Thanks in advance.
>> --
>> *Sriram G*
>> *Tech*

*Sriram G*

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