Hi- I'm getting the following error when trying to write to 3 s3 sinks (in an aws kinesis java app):
Caused by: org.apache.flink.util.FlinkRuntimeException: Cannot have more than one execute() or executeAsync() call in a single environment. Code snippet (s3Sum,s3Agg and s3Det are the table creation sql strings for the 3 sink_tables): tableEnv.executeSql(s3Sum); tableEnv.executeSql(s3Agg); tableEnv.executeSql(s3Det); StatementSet stmtSet = tableEnv.createStatementSet(); stmtSet.addInsert("sink_table_sum", resultsSum); stmtSet.addInsert("sink_table_agg", resultsAgg); stmtSet.addInsert("sink_table_det", resultsDet); stmtSet.execute(); I read that switching to a StatementSet is the way to go, but I'm still missing something. Any help would be greatly appreciated! Thanks, -Dave David L Katz (he/him/his) why?<https://sites.jpmchase.com/sites/companyhome/about%20us/diversity/pages/language,-inclusion-%26-gender-pronous.aspx> | Executive Director | Macro Technology | 545 Washington Blvd, Floor 4 | Jersey City, NJ 07310 This message is confidential and subject to terms at: https://www.jpmorgan.com/emaildisclaimer including on confidential, privileged or legal entity information, malicious content and monitoring of electronic messages. If you are not the intended recipient, please delete this message and notify the sender immediately. Any unauthorized use is strictly prohibited.