Apologies for the mistake of calculation

120*6*2KB = 1440KB = 1.4MB

> On 18-Oct-2022, at 1:35 AM, Puneet Duggal <puneetduggal1...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> I am working on a use case which uses Flink CEP for pattern detection.
> Flink Version - 1.12.1
> Deployment Mode - Session Mode (Highly Available)
> State Backend - RocksDB
> Checkpoint Interval - 2 mins
> Checkpoint Mode - Exactly Once
> CEP pattern looks something like - A not_followed_by B within (40mins)
> After Match Skip Strategy - Skip Past Last Event
> In order to test out incremental checkpointing and its size, I deployed a job 
> on a cluster (let's say cluster A, hence job name J(aa)) and that same job on 
> cluster B 1 week later (Job Name J(ab)). Basically at any given point in 
> time, both jobs( J(aa) and J(ab)) process exactly the same records. After 1 
> week of deployment of J(ab), I found out that in spite of working on the same 
> records and window time of 40mins (after which unmatched patterns should 
> expire), the incremental checkpoint size of J(aa) is around 40-50MB whereas 
> that of J(ab) is 25-30MB. My assumption of the incremental checkpoint is that 
> it only contains delta state change after the last checkpoint which is same 
> for both jobs. Attached screenshots for J(ab) and J(aa) respectively.
> J(ab)
> <Screenshot 2022-10-18 at 1.25.18 AM.png>
> J(aa)
> <Screenshot 2022-10-18 at 1.26.25 AM.png>
> Checkpoint Configuration
> <Screenshot 2022-10-18 at 1.29.10 AM.png>
> One more doubt on the same lines is that these jobs consume on an average 6 
> events per second with one event of the size around 2KB. Assuming a 
> checkpoint interval of 2 mins and each event getting stored in CEP state, 
> total delta size of the state should be 2*60*6*1.32 = 316KB which is nowhere 
> near to size shown in the incremental checkpoint for both the jobs. Even 
> including meta info for these records, not sure what am i missing which is 
> causing incremental checkpoints to be so huge.
> Regards,
> Puneet

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