Oh wow, I had read that documentation so many times and I was sure that API
also expected the broadcasted side to have a key like the other side, but
that's not the case, that is already what I was thinking of. Thanks.


On Wed, 12 Oct 2022, 03:42 仙路尽头谁为峰, <xljtswf2...@163.com> wrote:

> Hi Alexis:
>        The broadcast state pattern should be done by calling connect() on
> the non-broadcasted stream, with the *broadcaststream* as an argument.
>        And if the main stream is keyedStream, then the processElement
> function will have access to any keyed state as normal keyedstream.
> Best Regards!
> 从 Windows 版邮件 <https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=550986>发送
> *发件人: *Alexis Sarda-Espinosa <sarda.espin...@gmail.com>
> *发送时间: *2022年10月12日 4:11
> *收件人: *user <user@flink.apache.org>
> *主题: *Partial broadcast/keyed connected streams
> Hi everyone,
> I am currently thinking about a use case for a streaming job and, while
> I'm fairly certain it cannot be done with the APIs that Flink currently
> provides, I figured I'd put it out there in case other users think
> something like this would be useful to a wider audience.
> The current broadcasting mechanisms offered by Flink mention use cases
> where "control events" are needed. In my case I would also have control
> events, and I would need to broadcast them to *all parallel instances* of
> any downstream operators that consume the events. However, some of those
> operators have to be keyed because they are stateful. From the API's point
> of view, I'd imagine something like
> controlStream.connect(mainStream).broadcastFirstKeySecondBy(keySelector).process(PartiallyKeyedCoProcessFunction)
> The function would also have something like processElement1 and
> processElement2, but one of those methods wouldn't have access to
> partitioned state (or could it have access to state for all key groups
> handled by that instance?).
> Since I'm not familiar with all of Flink's internals, I don't know if this
> would be even remotely feasible, but I'd like to know if others have
> opinions on this.
> Regards,
> Alexis.

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