Logically it would make sense to be able to initialize BroadcastState in
the open method of a BroadcastProcessFunction, but in practice I don't
believe it can be done -- because the necessary Context isn't made

Perhaps you could use the State Processor API to bootstrap some state into
the broadcast state.


On Mon, Sep 26, 2022 at 6:07 PM alfredo.vasquez.spglobal.com via user <
user@flink.apache.org> wrote:

> Hello community.
> Currently we have a BroadcastProcessFunction implementation that is
> storing the broadcast state using a MapStateDescriptor<String, Rule>.
> I have a use case that needs to load the BroadcastState to perform some
> operation before receiving any processElement or processBroadcastElement
> message.
> Is there a way to load the BroadcastState on BroadcastProcessFunction
>  instantiation, overriding open(Configuration parameters) method or by
> overriding some other callback function?
> Kind regards,
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