Hi Ramkrishna,
thanks for reaching out to the Flink community. Could you share the
JobManager logs to get a better understanding of what's going on? I'm
wondering why the JobManager is failing when the actual problem is that the
job is struggling to access a folder. It sounds like there are multiple
problems here.


On Mon, Sep 26, 2022 at 6:25 AM ramkrishna vasudevan <
ramvasu.fl...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi all
> I have a simple job where we read for a given path in cloud storage to
> watch for new files in a given fodler. While I setup my job there was some
> permission issue on the folder. The job is STREAMING job.
> The cluster is set in the session mode and is running on Kubernetes.
> The job manager since then is failing to come back up and every time it
> fails with the permission issue. But the point is how should i recover my
> cluster in this case. Since JM is not there the UI is also not working and
> how do I remove the bad job from the JM.
> Regards
> Ram

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