I might need more details, but conceptually, streams can be thought of as never 
ending tables
and our code as functions applied to them.

JOIN is a concept supported in the SQL API and DataStream API.

However, the SQL API is more succinct (unlike my writing ;).

So, how about the "fast stream" mapped to an SQL API Table and 
the "slow" table mapped to SQL API versioned table that is joined with a 
"temporal join."

I'd try to use the SQL for the first part of the job to make this join, and 
then if I need the DataStream API convert it.


> On Sep 17, 2022, at 9:29 AM, Noel OConnor <noel.ocon...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm trying to determine the best way to enrich the event payload of a
> fast moving incoming stream with values in another stream which is far
> more slow moving.
> I'm converting the second stream into a table for continuous query
> functionality and I wonder what is the best way to take the values of
> that query and enrich the fast moving stream.
> Is it best to store the output of the continuous query in a value
> state and access this in a process function being applied to the fast
> moving stream?
> Or do I execute the query on the table created by the slow moving
> stream as part of a map function on the fast moving stream.
> I suspect there's multiple ways to do this but I want to use the more
> appropriate method for flink.
> cheers
> Noel

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