What I would need is to set


    - name: metrics

      port: 9999

      protocol: TCP

in the generated YAML fir the appname-rest service which properly
aggregates the metrics from the pods, but I can't not figure out either
from the job deployment file or modifying the operator templates in the
Helm chart. Any way I can modify the ports in the Flink rest service?


Javier Vegas

El dom, 4 sept 2022 a las 1:59, Javier Vegas (<jve...@strava.com>) escribió:

> Hi, Biao!
> Thanks for the fast response! Setting that in the podTemplate opens the
> metrics port in the pods, but unfortunately not on the rest service. Not
> sure if that is standard procedure, but my Prometheus setup scraps the
> metrics port on services but not pods. On my previous non-operator
> standalone setup, the metrics port on the service was aggregating all the
> pods metrics and then Prometheus was scrapping that, so I was trying to
> reproduce that by opening the port on the rest service.
> El dom, 4 sept 2022 a las 1:03, Geng Biao (<biaoge...@gmail.com>)
> escribió:
>> Hi Javier,
>> You can use podTemplate to expose the port in the flink containers.
>> Here is a snippet:
>> spec:
>>   flinkVersion: v1_15
>>   flinkConfiguration:
>>     state.savepoints.dir: file:///flink-data/flink-savepoints
>>     state.checkpoints.dir: file:///flink-data/flink-checkpoints
>> *    metrics.reporter.prom.factory.class:
>> org.apache.flink.metrics.prometheus.PrometheusReporterFactory*
>>   serviceAccount: flink
>>   podTemplate:
>> metadata:
>>       annotations:
>>         prometheus.io/path: /metrics
>>         prometheus.io/port: "9249"
>>         prometheus.io/scrape: "true"
>>     spec:
>>       serviceAccount: flink
>>       containers:
>>         - name: flink-main-container
>>           volumeMounts:
>>             - mountPath: /flink-data
>>               name: flink-volume
>>          * ports:*
>> *            - containerPort: 9249*
>> *              name: metrics*
>> *              protocol: TCP*
>>       volumes:
>>         - name: flink-volume
>>           emptyDir: {}
>> The bold line are about how to specify the metric reporter and expose the
>> metric. The annotations are not required if you use PodMonitor or
>> ServiceMonitor. Hope it can help!
>> Best,
>> Biao Geng
>> *From: *Javier Vegas <jve...@strava.com>
>> *Date: *Sunday, September 4, 2022 at 10:19 AM
>> *To: *user <user@flink.apache.org>
>> *Subject: *How to open a Prometheus metrics port on the rest service
>> when using the Kubernetes operator?
>> I am migrating my Flink app from standalone Kubernetes to the Kubernetes
>> operator, it is going well but I ran into a problem, I can not figure out
>> how to open a Prometheus metrics port in the rest-service to collect all my
>> custom metrics from the task managers. Note that this is different from the
>> instructions to "How to Enable Prometheus"
>> https://nightlies.apache.org/flink/flink-kubernetes-operator-docs-main/docs/operations/metrics-logging/#how-to-enable-prometheus-example
>> that example is to collect the operator pod metrics, but what I am trying
>> to do is open a port on the rest service to make my job metrics available
>> to Prometheus.
>> Thanks,
>> Javier Vegas

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