
Thanks for the response, I will take a look at it.

But if we aren't able to use the flink operator due to technical
constraints is it possible to deploy the JM as deployment without any
consequences that I am not aware of?


Le sam. 3 sept. 2022 à 23:27, Gyula Fóra <gyula.f...@gmail.com> a écrit :

> Hi!
> You should check out the Flink Kubernetes Operator. I think that covers
> all your needs .
> https://nightlies.apache.org/flink/flink-kubernetes-operator-docs-main/
> Cheers,
> Gyula
> On Sat, 3 Sep 2022 at 13:45, marco andreas <marcoandreas...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> We are deploying a flink application cluster on k8S. Following the
>> official documentation the JM is deployed As a job resource , however we
>> are deploying a long running flink job that is not supposed to be
>> terminated and also we need to update the image of the flink job.
>>  The problem is that the job is an immutable resource, we cant update it.
>> So I'm wondering if it's possible to use a deployment resource for the
>> jobmanager and if there will be any side effects or repercussions.
>> Thanks,

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