Hi all,

Is there any limitation on the number of jobs you can deploy together
within the same Flink application? We are noticing some exceptions related
to task slots at job startup. It typically recovers after 10-20 minutes.

What are some of the recommended configurations that we can tune to
alleviate these issues? I've copied some of the exception messages below.
The most frequent exception is TaskSubmissionException and we have more
than enough task slots for the job, so the last exception seems to be a red

org.apache.flink.runtime.taskexecutor.exceptions.TaskSubmissionException: No
task slot allocated for job ID 233b239f6f7e410fa84dcb3ed9bb958f and
allocation ID 0d4cd6b91fac49aa9b8d401c58b34f46.

org.apache.flink.util.FlinkException: TaskExecutor akka.tcp://flink@172.18.
112.121:40703/user/rpc/taskmanager_0 has no more allocated slots for job 233


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