Hi, if you think this is a good feature, what about put it into jira[1] and 
start a discussion in dev-mail? Someone familiar with the relevant modules will 
discuss with you.<br/>[1] https://issues.apache.org/jira/projects/FLINK/issues
At 2022-07-07 17:43:03, "James Sandys-Lumsdaine" <jas...@hotmail.com> wrote:
>I know we can’t set a timer in the processBroadcastElement() of the 
>KeyedBroadcastProcessFunction as there is no key. 
>However, there is a context.applyToKeyedState() method which allows us to 
>iterate over the keyed state in the scope of a key. So it is possible to add 
>access to the TimerService onto the Context parameter passed into that 
>Since the code running in the applyToKeyedState() method is scoped to a key we 
>should be able to set up timers for that key too. 

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