Hi Matt, - In FlinkDeployments you can utilize an init container to download your artifact onto a shared volume, then you can refer to it as local:/.. from the main container. FlinkDeployments comes with pod template support https://nightlies.apache.org/flink/flink-kubernetes-operator-docs-main/docs/custom-resource/pod-template/#pod-template
- FlinkSessionJobs comes with an artifact fetcher, but it may need some tweaking to make it work on your environment: https://nightlies.apache.org/flink/flink-kubernetes-operator-docs-main/docs/custom-resource/overview/#flinksessionjob-spec-overview I hope it helps, let us know if you have further questions. Cheers, Matyas On Tue, Jun 21, 2022 at 2:35 PM Matt Casters <matt.cast...@neotechnology.com> wrote: > Hi Flink team! > > I'm interested in getting the new Flink Kubernetes Operator to work on AWS > EKS. Following the documentation I got pretty far. However, when trying > to run a job I got the following error: > > Only "local" is supported as schema for application mode. This assumes t >> hat the jar is located in the image, not the Flink client. An example of >> such path is: local:///opt/flink/examples/streaming/WindowJoin.jar > > > I have an Apache Hop/Beam fat jar capable of running the Flink pipeline > in my yml file: > > jarURI: s3://hop-eks/hop/hop-2.1.0-fat.jar > > So how could I go about getting the fat jar in a desired location for the > operator? > > Getting this to work would be really cool for both short and long-lived > pipelines in the service of all sorts of data integration work. It would > do away with the complexity of setting up and maintaining your own Flink > cluster. > > Thanks in advance! > > All the best, > > Matt (mcasters, Apache Hop PMC) > >