Hi all,

I have some reference data that is periodically emitted by a crawler mechanism 
into an upstream Kinesis data stream, where those rows are used to populate a 
sink table (and where I am using Flink 1.13 PyFlink SQL within AWS Kinesis Data 
Analytics).  What is the best pattern to handle deletion of upstream data, such 
that the downstream table remains in sync with upstream?

For example, at t=1, rows R1, R2, R3 are processed from the stream, resulting 
in a DB with 3 rows.  At some point between t=1 and t=2, the resource 
corresponding to R2 was deleted, such that at t=2 when the next crawl was 
carried out only rows R1 and R2 were emitted into the upstream stream.  How 
should I process the stream of events so that when I have finished processing 
the events from t=2 my downstream table also has just rows R1 and R3?

Many thanks,


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