I have one flink job which reads files from s3 and processes them.
Currently, it is running on flink 1.9.0, I need to upgrade my cluster to
1.13.5, so I have done the changes in my job pom and brought up the flink
cluster using 1.13.5 dist.

when I submit my application I am getting the below error when it tries to
connect to s3, have updated the s3 SDK version to the latest, but still
getting the same error.

caused by: java.lang.invoke.lambdaconversionexception: invalid receiver
type interface org.apache.http.header; not a subtype of implementation type
interface org.apache.http.namevaluepair

it works when I just run as a mini-cluster ( running just java -jar
<myjob.jar>) and also when I submit to the Flink cluster with 1.9.0.

Not able to understand where the dependency match is happening.

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