Does the DatatypeHint with bridgedTo can meet your requirements? 
For example: 
public @DataTypeHint( 
value = "RAW", 
bridgedTo = JSONObject .class, 
rawSerializer = JSONObject Serializer.class) JSONObject eval(String str) { 
return JSONObject .parse(str); 
You may need to provide a class like JSONObject Serializer that extends 

Best regards, 

发件人: "Surendra Lalwani" <> 
收件人: "User" <> 
发送时间: 星期五, 2022年 5 月 06日 下午 4:40:19 
主题: How to return JSON Object from UDF 

Hi Team, 

I am using Flink 1.13.6 and I have created a UDF and I want to return 
JSONObject from that UDF or basically an Object but it doesn't seems to work as 
there is no datatype hint compatible to Object. in earlier flink versions when 
DataTypeHint wasn't there, it used to work. Any help would be appreciated. 

Thanks and Regards , 
Surendra Lalwani 

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