Hi Flink-Users,

After upgrading to Flink 1.15 (rc3) (coming from 1.14) I noticed that there
is a problem with the metrics exposed through the PrometheusReporter.

It is configured as followed in the flink-config.yml:
metrics.reporters: prom
metrics.reporter.prom.port: 4444

My cluster is running in standalone mode with 2 taskmanagers and 2

More specifically:

On the taskmanger that runs a job I get curl: (52) Empty reply from server when
I call curl localhost:4444. I was looking for the metrics in the namespace
flink_taskmanager_job_*, which are only - and obviously - exposed on the
taskmanager running a job.

On the other taskmanger that runs no job I get a response with a couple of
metrics of the namespace flink_taskmanager_Status - as expected.

When configuring the JMXReporterFactory for too. I find the desired and all
other metrics via VisualVM on that taskmanager running the job. Also in the
Flink web ui, in the "Jobs -> Overview -> Metrics" part I can select and
visualize metrics like flink_taskmanager_job_task_busyTimeMsPerSecond.

Does someone have any idea what's going on here? maybe even confirm my

Best & thanks,

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