Hi Lilli!

I am not aware of any problems with savepoint restore in application mode.
What you can try is to use the *execution.savepoint.path *configuration
setting to control it instead of the CLI and see if it makes a difference
for you.

Otherwise, you could also check out the
https://github.com/apache/flink-kubernetes-operator  (docs
which can help you manage your Flink Application Deployments in Kubernetes.


On Mon, Apr 11, 2022 at 8:09 PM Lilli Pearson <epear...@wayfair.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> Summary:
> I've run into a number of issues trying to marry savepoints with running
> Flink in Application Mode, and am wondering if anyone has suggestions on
> how to resolve them, or if savepoints and Application Mode simply aren't
> designed to work together.
> Context on app deployment:
> For long-running processing of my Kafka streams, I'm running Flink 1.13.5
> in application mode, using CI/CD to deploy the cluster to Kubernetes by
> deleting and recreating the deployment. This approach has worked great with
> checkpoints. However, since the savepoint Flink should start up with needs
> to be specified on startup, this approach would need to change a bit.
> Details:
> In experimenting with savepoints while running the app in Application
> Mode, I've run into some issues that have made me suspect these two
> features just don't work well together, at least in Flink 1.13, though I
> can't find documentation that says so directly. (Maybe it's implied, as
> considering how application mode is set up, it does seem reasonable to me
> that savepoints wouldn't work.) For example:
> * The entire /jars API (link:
> https://nightlies.apache.org/flink/flink-docs-release-1.13/docs/ops/rest_api/#jars)
> is simply unavailable on my cluster (404s), though the rest of the API
> works fine. This means I can't use those endpoints to submit a jar to start
> from
> * using the CLI to run has been equally unsuccessful; when I run a command
> like  `bin/flink run path/to/jar.jar -s path/to/savepoint`, it fails and
> the root cause error is
> `org.apache.flink.runtime.rest.util.RestClientException: [Not found.]`
> Thanks in advance for any help or advice!

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