
File system table sink doesn’t provide APIs for changing the prefix or suffix 
of the generated filename. Maybe you can consider trying DataStream connector 
and set OutputFileConfig manually to specify prefix and suffix of generating 



> On Mar 28, 2022, at 13:10, lan tran <indigoblue7...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi team, 
> So basically, when I use Flink Table API to generate the files and store in 
> S3. The format files will be like this 
> part-0d373ee1-d594-40b1-a3cf-8fa895260980-0-0. So my question is is there any 
> way that we can config this files names (by adding the last_modified_value) 
> to this files name ?
> Best,
> Quynh
> Sent from Mail for Windows

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