Thanks! I have a few follow up questions.

I have searched but was unable to find where to set the log level just for
"org.apache.flink.table.runtime.generated.CompileUtils", so I set
"rootLogger.level = DEBUG" in "" and got the logs, but
was unable to find generated code in
"". So my questions are:

- My understanding is that Flink SQL will generate Java code equivalent and
submit the compiled jar to the cluster as a job, is that correct? Can I get
the source code to see what kind of low level API the SQL query generated?
- How do I set the log level for
"org.apache.flink.table.runtime.generated.CompileUtils" only?

Also, when I start a local Flink cluster, I am able to query the table and
immediately see the results. I did the same on a Zeppelin notebook with a
remote cluster which also worked.

However after 8-10 hours, I tried the same simple SELECT again in Zeppelin,
no data were shown. I INSERT'd a new row to the source table and the result
are showing again. Is this related to the behavior of checkpointing?
Because I already had "'scan.startup.mode' = 'earliest-offset'" so I
expected it to work even with no new data coming in for a long time.

Maybe a bit much to ask...but thank you again for the help!

On Mon, Mar 14, 2022 at 11:14 AM Caizhi Weng <> wrote:

> Sorry for misleading. I mean if you enable checkpointing then selected
> results are only visible after the checkpoint completes. If there is no
> checkpointing the results will be instantly visible, just as the document
> records.
> Caizhi Weng <> 于2022年3月14日周一 11:12写道:
>> Hi!
>> I see. So you're running a streaming job. "select" in a streaming job
>> will only produce visible data when you enable checkpointing (this is due
>> to the exactly-once guarantee of Flink), see [1] for more detail. See [2]
>> on how to enable checkpointing for Flink SQL.
>> Generated code are also in the logs if you set the appropriate logging
>> level.
>> [1]
>> [2]
>> dz902 <> 于2022年3月14日周一 11:08写道:
>>> Hi Caizhi,
>>> Thanks for the quick reply. I was just running a simple "SELECT * FROM
>>> tbl_name" against a table with Kafka connector, but no data showed up and
>>> no errors.
>>> Where can I find the generated code if I'm using SQL client?
>>> Thanks!
>>> On Mon, Mar 14, 2022 at 10:58 AM Caizhi Weng <>
>>> wrote:
>>>> Hi!
>>>> For stages and logs you can refer to the web UI. For generated code set
>>>> logging level of org.apache.flink.table.runtime.generated.CompileUtils to
>>>> debug.
>>>> What query are you running? If possible can you share your SQL in the
>>>> mailing list?
>>>> dz902 <> 于2022年3月14日周一 10:42写道:
>>>>> Hi,
>>>>> I'm trying to debug SQL queries, from SQL client or Zeppelin notebook
>>>>> (job submitted to remote cluster).
>>>>> I have a query not getting any data. How do I debug? Can I see the
>>>>> actual code generated from the SQL query? Or is it possible to show all 
>>>>> the
>>>>> stages, actions or logs generated by the query?
>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>> Dai

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