
I'm in the process of updating from Flink 1.11.3 to 1.14.3, and it seems the 
interval join in my pipeline is no longer working. More specifically, I have a 
sliding window after the interval join, and the window isn't firing. After many 
tests, I ended up creating a custom operator that extends IntervalJoinOperator 
and I overrode processWatermark1() and processWatermark2() to add logs and 
check when they are called. I can see that processWatermark1() isn't called.

For completeness, this is how I use my custom operator:

joinOperator = new CustomIntervalJoinOperator(...);

    .keyBy(selector1, selector2)
    .transform("Interval Join", TypeInformation.of(Pojo.class), joinOperator);


Some more information in case it's relevant:

- stream2 is obtained from a side output.
- both stream1 and stream2 have watermarks assigned by custom strategies. I 
also log watermark creation, and I can see that watermarks are indeed emitted 
as expected in both streams.

Strangely, my watermark strategies mark themselves idle if they don't receive 
new events after 10 minutes, and if I send some events and wait 10 minutes, 
processWatermark1() is called! On the other hand, if I continuously send 
events, it is never called.

Is this a known issue?


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