Hello, I’ve noticed that https://nightlies.apache.org/flink/flink-docs-release-1.14/docs/connectors/datastream/rabbitmq/ suggests that the RabbitMQ Source can be used with parallelization bigger than 1, but one can’t get exactly-once delivery guarantee there. However, the inheritance chain seems to show RMQSource -> MultipleIdsMessageAcknowledgingSourceBase -> MessageAcknowledgingSourceBase -> RichSourceFunction (rather than RichParallelSourceFunction) I imagine either the documentation or the implementation has to be corrected here. Any thoughts on what imposes that parallelism on 1 here? The only place I found it to be checked up the hierarchy seems to be MessageAcknowledgingSourceBase::initializeState
Have you found this to impose a limitation on the performance of pulling messages from Rabbit (assuming that heavier enrichments down the chain are properly parallelized)? Best, Daniel