The Pulsar python source connector will be released in 1.15 version. if you want to use it right now, you could compile the master branch. When I completed the python connector code, I only tested the native pulsar protocol without KOP.
Usage examples are in comments of the PulsarSource class and in test case of the FlinkPulsarTest class. You can find them in the following PR link. Best regards, Wong Xingbo Huang <> 于2022年2月18日周五 14:32写道: > > > > ---------- Forwarded message --------- > 发件人: Ananth Gundabattula <> > Date: 2022年2月17日周四 16:57 > Subject: Pyflink with pulsar > To: <> > > > Hello All, > > I am trying to build a pyflink application and I currently have a pulsar > instance that I need to connect and start streaming messages from. > > I was wondering if there is any advice regarding pulsar as a source connector > available via python ? > > Alternately, Pulsar seems to have a kafka protocol handler (KOP) and was > wondering if anyone has built a pyflink application streaming from pulsar > using the Kafka protocol ( By using pyflink kafka consumer ) ? If yes, could > you please share your experiences. > > > Regards, > Ananth > >