Hello, Could someone please help! I'm trying to publish only these three metrics per tasknode Status.JVM.Memory.Heap.Used Status.JVM.Memory.Heap.Committed Status.JVM.Memory.NonHeap.Max
But, with my current setting I see all Flink metrics getting published. Please let me know if I need to provide any other information. Thank you! ---------- Forwarded message --------- From: Diwakar Jha <diwakar.n...@gmail.com> Date: Tue, Feb 15, 2022 at 1:31 PM Subject: How to get memory specific metrics for tasknodes To: user <user@flink.apache.org> Hello, I'm running Flink 1.11 on AWS EMR using the Yarn application. I'm trying to access memory metrics(Heap.Max, Heap.Used) per tasknode in CloudWatch. I have 50 tasknodes and it creates Millions of metrics(including per operator) though I need only a few metrics per tasknode (Heap.Max, Heap.Used). It is way too much than my current cloudwatch limit and I also don't need so many metrics. Could someone please help me how to get only the tasknode memory specific metrics ? I'm referring to this doc : https://nightlies.apache.org/flink/flink-docs-release-1.7/monitoring/metrics.html#memory I used the following approach to enable Flink metrics. 1. Enable Flink Metrics copy /opt/flink-metrics-statsd-x.x.jar into the /lib folder of your Flink distribution 2. Add StatsD metric reporter in Flink-conf to send to CloudWatch Agent's StatsD interface metrics.reporters: stsd metrics.reporter.stsd.factory.class: org.apache.flink.metrics.statsd.StatsDReporterFactory metrics.reporter.stsd.host: localhost metrics.reporter.stsd.port: 8125 3. Setup tasknode scope metrics.scope.tm: taskmanager 4. setup Cloudwatch agent to publish the metrics "metrics":{ "namespace": "CustomeNamespace/FlinkMemoryMetrics", "metrics_collected":{ "statsd":{ "service_address":":8125", "metrics_collection_interval":60, "metrics_aggregation_interval":300 } } }, Thanks!