Hi all, I have a 1.14 Flink streaming workflow with many stateful functions that has a FsStateBackend and checkpointed enabled, although I haven't set a location for the checkpointed state.
I've really struggled to understand how I can stop my Flink job and restart it and ensure it carries off exactly where is left off by using the state or checkpoints or savepoints. This is not clearly explained in the book or the web documentation. Since I have no control over my Flink job id I assume I can not force Flink to pick up the state recorded under the jobId directory for the FsStateBackend. Therefore I think Flink should read back in the last checkpointed data but I don't understand how to force my program to read this in? Do I use retained checkpoints or not? How can I force my program either use the last checkpointed state (e.g. when running from my IDE, starting and stopping the program) or maybe force it not to read in the state and start completely fresh? The web documentation talks about bin/flink but I am running from my IDE so I want my Java code to control this progress using the Flink API in Java. Can anyone give me some basic pointers as I'm obviously missing something fundamental on how to allow my program to be stopped and started without losing all the state. Many thanks, James.