Hi all,

I'm hoping to be able to change the column names when creating a table from
a datastream, the flatmap function generating the stream is returning a

It's currently working as follows:

inputmetrics = table_env.from_data_stream(ds, Schema.new_builder()
                                          .column("f0", "BIGINT")
                                          .column("f1", "STRING")
                                          .column("f2", "STRING")
                                          .column("f3", "DOUBLE")

I'm trying to rename the columns f0, f1, f2, f3 to proper names e.g.
timestamp, device, name, value. So far I've tried using from_fields, and

column_by_expression("timestamp", "f0")

I'd prefer not to change the output type of my previous flatMapFunction (to
say a named Row) for performance purposes.


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