Hello Community,

I have two questions regarding Flink custom sink with EXACTLY_ONCE semantic.

  1.  I have a SDK that could publish messages based on HTTP (backed by Oracle 
Streaming Service --- very similar to Kafka).  This will be my Flink 
application’s sink. Is it possible to use this SDK as sink with EXACTLY_ONCE 
semantic? HTTP is stateless here… If possible, what could be added in SDK to 
  2.  If it is possible for question 1, then I need to implement a custom sink 
for this. Which option should I use?
     *   Option 1: 
     *   Option 2: 

The legacy FlinkKafkaProducer seems to be using option (a) ---- This will be 
removed from Flink in the future. The new 
 seems to be using option (b). Based on the comment in the code, it seems 
option (a) is recommended, which one should I use? Please suggest if I am 
missing anything, or any other better solutions in my case?


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