
The source for Flink ( or even Kafka ) is a problem we find hard to solve.
This data seems to indicate that the source could be MQ. Is there a need to
pull from MQ to Hive and then write to Flink ? What can be the flow ?

Kafka connect workers can issue JDBC queries and pull to Kafka. Is there an
equivalent toolset for Flink ? Should we pull into kafka and pick up using
Flink( Checkpointing using Kafka consumer offsets). ?

Source of continuous data Kafka, File Systems, other message queues Strictly
Kafka with Kafka Connect serving to address the data into, data out of
Kafka problem
Sink for results
Kafka, other MQs, file system, analytical database, key/value stores,
stream processor state, and other external systems

Kafka, application state, operational database or any external system


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