Hi Gaowei,

        think the case:
        we have one streaming application built by flink, but kinds of reason, 
the event may be disordered or delayed terribly.
        we want to replay the data day by day(the data was processed like 
reordered.). it looks like a batching job but with state. we want to use the 
same code for replaying.
        thus we need persist the state for next job. any ideas?


Sender:Guowei Ma <guowei....@gmail.com>
Sent At:2022 Jan. 26 (Wed.) 15:39
Recipient:Shawn Du <shawn...@neulion.com.cn>
Cc:user <user@flink.apache.org>
Subject:Re: create savepoint on bounded source in streaming mode

Hi Shawn
Currently Flink can not trigger the sp at the end of the input. An alternative 
way might be that you need to develop a customized source, which triggers a 
savepoint when it notices that all the input split has been handled.
Or you could see the state process api[1], which might be helpful.

Thanks for your sharing but I have another little question:
I think you need to process all the historical events to rebuild the correct 
state. So there might be no gain even if you periodically create a savepoint. 
So why did you need to "rebuild" the state periodically? Do I miss something?



On Wed, Jan 26, 2022 at 2:17 PM Shawn Du <shawn...@neulion.com.cn> wrote:

       our application is stateful. processing live events depends on the 
state. but for kinds of reason, we need rebuild the state. it will be very 
costly to replay all data.
       our historical events data are stored in s3. so we want to create 
states/savepoints periodically so that we can rebuild the state from a point. 
we call this as a bootstrap process.
       any ideas?

Sender:Guowei Ma <guowei....@gmail.com>
Sent At:2022 Jan. 26 (Wed.) 14:04
Recipient:Shawn Du <shawn...@neulion.com.cn>
Cc:user <user@flink.apache.org>
Subject:Re: create savepoint on bounded source in streaming mode

Hi, Shawn
I think Flink does not support this mechanism yet. 
Would you like to share the scenario in which you need this savepoint at the 
end of the bounded input?

On Wed, Jan 26, 2022 at 1:50 PM Shawn Du <shawn...@neulion.com.cn> wrote:
Hi experts,

assume I have several files and I want replay these files in order in streaming 
mode and create a savepoint when files play at the end. it is possible?
I wrote a simple test app, and job are finished when source is at the end. I 
have no chance to creat a savepoint. please help.


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