Hi, We have been looking at using stateful functions to deploy a remote python model as a stateful and interacting with it from Flink via Kafka.
Everything has worked well until we ran into some in-house deployment issues around the various environments. This coupled with the use case (where we may be happy to put the state load on the calling Flink app) means that we are looking again at calling our model via the DataSteam API. The documentation at https://nightlies.apache.org/flink/flink-statefun-docs-release-3.1/docs/sdk/flink-datastream/ does link to an example but that is a dead link and that I’m guessing would point back to: https://github.com/apache/flink-statefun/blob/release-2.2/statefun-examples/statefun-flink-datastream-example/src/main/java/org/apache/flink/statefun/examples/datastream/Example.java I am struggling to follow the creation of a valid StatefulFunctionDataStreamBuilder in relation to a remote function particularly this line: .withFunctionProvider(GREET, unused -> new MyFunction()) where the calling code seems to have access to the remote function. Would anyone be able to give me a steer please? Thanks, Barry