Hello, Flink documentation mentions this <https://nightlies.apache.org/flink/flink-docs-release-1.14/docs/connectors/datastream/formats/parquet/#:~:text=contain%20event%20timestamps.-,final%20LogicalType%5B%5D%20fieldTypes%20%3D%0A%20%20new%20LogicalType%5B%5D%20%7B%0A%20%20new%20DoubleType()%2C%20new%20IntType()%2C%20new,DataStream%3CRowData%3E%20stream%20%3D%0A%20%20env.fromSource(source%2C%20WatermarkStrategy.noWatermarks()%2C%20%22file%2Dsource%22)%3B,-Continuous%20read%20example> as to how to create a FileSource for reading Parquet files. For primitive parquet types like BINARY and BOOLEAN, I am able to create a RowType and read the fields.
However, I have some nested fields in my parquet schema also like this which I want to read : optional group location = 11 { optional double latitude = 1; optional double longitude = 2; } How can I create a RowType for this ? I did something like this below, but I got an exception `Caused by: java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: Complex types not supported` RowType nestedRowType = RowType.of(new LogicalType[] {new DoubleType(), new DoubleType()}, new String[]{"latitude", "longitude"}); final LogicalType[] fieldTypes = new LogicalType[]{nestedRowType}; final ParquetColumnarRowInputFormat<FileSourceSplit> format = new ParquetColumnarRowInputFormat<>( new Configuration(), RowType.of(fieldTypes, new String[]{"location"}), 500, false, true);