Hi, I found a weird behavior. We launched a k8s cluster without job. But includes the jar A. I use Flink rest api to upload a dummy jar(actually it can be any jar). Flink will create a jar id. Then I use rest api to start the job with the jar A entry-class. But the jar id is the dummy jar id. Flink will start the job from jar A. Anyone know why? My understanding is flink rest api should start the job from the dummy jar, because jar id is dummy jar id that I uploaded. Here are steps what I did: 1. deploy a k8s pod contains working jar(testA.jar) 1. flink rest api upload jar, testB.jar, flink generate jar id, 2d6a9263-c9d3-4f23-9f59-fc3594aadf0c_job.jar 2. flink rest api to runJar with testB.jar id, but testA.jar entry-class. 3. flink start job from testA.jar
Thanks, Qihua