Hi Kevin,

You could try to use it as following:

from pyflink.java_gateway import get_gateway

jvm = get_gateway().jvm
ds = (


On Wed, Dec 15, 2021 at 5:41 AM Kevin Lam <kevin....@shopify.com> wrote:

> Hi all,
> We currently operate several Flink applications using the Scala API, and
> run on kubernetes in Application mode. We're interested in researching the
> Python API and how we can support Python for application developers that
> prefer to use Python.
> We have a common library which implements a number of useful sources and
> sinks, as well as some implementations
> of org.apache.flink.api.common.functions.Function, eg. a MapFunction for
> computing and reporting latency metrics. We'd like to continue to use the
> common library, and make it available to Python developers.
> We understand that Java sources and sinks can be used in the Python API.
> Is there a way to call Java org.apache.flink.api.common.functions.Function
> implementations (eg. MapFunction, ProcessFunction classes) from the Python
> API [1]? If not, are there any plans to support this?
> Thanks in advance!
> [1] imagining something like this:
> ```
> env.set_parallelism(1)
> ds = env.add_source(MySource())
> # process the data stream with a Java function
> ds = (ds
>     .map(JavaMapFunction("com.example.MyJavaMapFunction")))
> )
> ```

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