Any other thoughts on the topic? If there are no concerns, I'd continue
with creating a FLIP for changing the "written" contract of the Flink
FileSystems to reflect this.


On Wed, Dec 8, 2021 at 5:53 PM David Morávek <> wrote:

> Hi Martijn,
> I simply wasn't aware of that one :) It seems to be provided the
> guarantees that we need [1].
>> Of course, Azure Storage is built on a platform grounded in strong
>> consistency guaranteeing that writes are made durable before acknowledging
>> success to the client. This is critically important for big data workloads
>> where the output from one task is often the input to the next job. This
>> greatly simplifies development of big data applications since they do not
>> have to work around issues that surface with weaker consistency models such
>> as eventual consistency.
> I'm not able to find the guarantees for MapR FS, but since it has been
> designed as an HDFS replacement back in the days, I'd except it provides
> the same guarantees as MapReduce heavily relies on this. I've seen that
> you've already started a deprecation thread.
> [1]
> D.
> On Wed, Dec 8, 2021 at 4:34 PM Martijn Visser <>
> wrote:
>> Hi David,
>> Just to be sure, since you've already included Azure Blob Storage, but
>> did you deliberately skip Azure Data Lake Store Gen2? That's currently
>> supported and also used by Flink users [1]. There's also MapR FS, but I
>> doubt if that is still used.
>> Best regards,
>> [1]
>> On Mon, 6 Dec 2021 at 12:28, David Morávek <> wrote:
>>> Hi Everyone,
>>> as outlined in FLIP-194 discussion [1], for the future directions of
>>> Flink HA services, I'd like to verify my thoughts around guarantees of the
>>> distributed filesystems used with Flink.
>>> Currently some of the services (*JobGraphStore*,
>>> *CompletedCheckpointStore*) are implemented using a combination of
>>> strongly consistent Metadata storage (ZooKeeper, K8s CM) and the actual
>>> FileSystem. Reasoning behind this dates back to days, when S3 was an
>>> eventually consistent FileSystem and we needed a strongly consistent view
>>> of the data.
>>> I did some research, and my feeling is that all the major FileSystems
>>> that Flink supports already provide strong read-after-write consistency,
>>> which would be sufficient to decrease a complexity of the current HA
>>> implementations.
>>> FileSystems that I've checked and that seem to support strong
>>> read-after-write consistency:
>>> - S3
>>> - GCS
>>> - Azure Blob Storage
>>> - Aliyun OSS
>>> - HDFS
>>> - Minio
>>> Are you aware of other FileSystems that are used with Flink? Do they
>>> support the consistency that is required for starting a new initiatives
>>> towards simpler / less error-prone HA services? Are you aware of any
>>> problems with the above mentioned FileSystems that I might have missed?
>>> I'm also bringing this up to user@f.a.o, to make sure we don't miss any
>>> FileSystems.
>>> [1]
>>> Best,
>>> D.

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