Folks, what about the veverica platform. Is there any mitigation around it?

On Fri, Dec 10, 2021 at 3:32 PM Chesnay Schepler <> wrote:

> I would recommend to modify your log4j configurations to set
> log4j2.formatMsgNoLookups to true*.*
> As far as I can tell this is equivalent to upgrading log4j, which just
> disabled this lookup by default.
> On 10/12/2021 10:21, Richard Deurwaarder wrote:
> Hello,
> There has been a log4j2 vulnerability made public
> which is making some waves :)
> This post even explicitly mentions Apache Flink:
> And fortunately, I saw this was already on your radar:
> What would the advice be for flink users? Do you expect to push a minor to
> fix this? Or is it advisable to upgrade to the latest log4j2 version
> manually for now?
> Thanks for any advice!

A.Narasimha Swamy

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