
Actually, you are able to develop your app in the clean python way. It's
fine to split the code into multiple files and there is no need to call
`env.add_python_file()` explicitly. When submitting the PyFlink job you can
specify python files  and entry main module with option --pyFiles and
--pyModule[1], like:

$ ./bin/flink run --pyModule flink_app.main --pyFiles

In this way, all files under the directory will be added to the PYTHONPAHT
of both the local client and the remote python UDF worker.

Hope this helps!



Королькевич Михаил <mkorolkev...@yandex.ru> 于2021年12月3日周五 下午5:23写道:

> Hi Flink Team,
> Im trying to implement app on pyflink.
> I would like to structure the directory as follows:
> flink_app/
>     data_service/
>         s3.py
>         filesystem.py
>     validator/
>         validator.py
>     metrics/
>         statictic.py
>         quality.py
>     common/
>         constants.py
>     main.py <- entry job
> Two questions:
> 1) is it possible import constants from common in the data_service
> package? In clean python we can use an absolute path like "from
> flink_app.common import constants".
> All files imported to flink "
>     env = StreamExecutionEnvironment.get_execution_environment()
>     env.add_python_file('/path_to_flink_app/flink_app')
> "
> 2) Can I split the pipeline from main.py to many files like import env to
> another files and return datastream/table back.

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