
Another approach without a dedicated connector, is to write the connector 

  1.  Create a class that handles TCP/IP messages
  2.  Create Async Stream [1] and use that class to get the TCP/IP Messages
  3.  Optional, you can also combine Mono[2] for better performance when 
retrieving the messages.


public class AsyncTcpIPStream<IN> extends RichAsyncFunction<IN , TcpIpMessage> {
  private TcpIpHandler tcpIpHandler;

    public AsyncTcpIPStream(final TcpIpHandler tcpIpHandler) {
        this.tcpIpHandler = tcpIpHandler;

    public void asyncInvoke(IN input, ResultFuture<Tuple2<IN, TcpIpMessage>> 
resultFuture) throws Exception {
        Executors.directExecutor().execute(() -> 
getTcpIpMessage()).subscribe(tcpIpMessage -> {
            Tuple2<T, TcpIpMessage> output = Tuple2.of(input, tcpIpMessage);


    private Mono<TcpIpMessage> getTcpIpMessages() {
       return tcpIpHandler.getMessages();

getMessages() would be

public Mono<TcpIpMessage> getMessages() {



From: Caizhi Weng <tsreape...@gmail.com>
Sent: Friday, November 19, 2021 3:27 AM
To: Robert Cullen <cinquate...@gmail.com>
Cc: user <user@flink.apache.org>
Subject: Re: Connector for TCP/IP messages



We have a SocketSourceFunction in the flink-examples-table module. Note that 
this is only an example and cannot be used in production. See its java doc for 
more information. If you want a production-ready socket source you can modify 
that and implement your own.

Robert Cullen <cinquate...@gmail.com<mailto:cinquate...@gmail.com>> 
于2021年11月19日周五 上午12:02写道:
Does flink have a connector for TCP/IP messages?

Robert Cullen

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