The metric scope options are used by reporters that do not rely on tags, to generate a fully-qualified metric name. The prometheus reporter identifies metrics in a different way (a generic scope like jobmanager.job.myMetric + a bunch of tags to select a specific instance) instead, and ignores the metric scope entirely.

On 20/10/2021 16:28, JP MB wrote:
Sorry for highlighting this one again.
Can someone provide me some light on the purpose of metric scope configurations and where can I see the immediate results of changing these properties?

José Brandão

Em ter., 19 de out. de 2021 às 18:19, JP MB <> escreveu:

    I have been playing with metric scopes and I'm not sure if I
    understood them correctly.

    For instance,

      * |metrics.scope.task|
          o Default:
          o Applied to all metrics that were scoped to a task.

    *What is supposed to happen when if remove the <subtask_index>
    scope from there? *

      * |metrics.scope.task=|<host>.taskmanager.<tm_id>.<job_name>.<task_name>

    I have performed this change but was unable to see any differences
    in the metrics that are being exported by the reporter I'm
    currently using which is the PrometheusReporter.

    *Also, is there any place where I can see the "raw"/pre-reporter
    José Brandão

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