Hi, community!

I am working on building a stream processing platform using Flink 1.12.0. I met 
a problem in the scenario of SQL Application migration from SparkSQL/HiveSQL to 

How to dynamically modify the classloader of the JobManager already launched to 
handle "ADD JAR HDFS://..." statement in sql text?

I already found the way to modify the classloader of all TaskManager 
dynamically through "Catalog#getHiveConf#setAuxJar" or "pipeline.classpath"; 
But i can't find the way to modify the classloader of JobManager dynamically, 
then the Application will fail because of UDF ClassNotFoundException. And i 
don't want put the udf-jar into $FLINK_HOME/lib, that's too heavy.  

Thanks for your any suggestions or replies!

Best Regards!

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