Thanks Dawid, if I am not exposing UI , how I am going to run my job we
need to submit jar someway, I do not want my flink image tightly coupled with
my jar
On Monday, October 4, 2021, 09:52:31 AM EDT, Dawid Wysakowicz
<> wrote:
Hi Dhiru,
For the question about auto scaling I'd recommend you this[1] blogpost from my
colleague. I believe he explains it quite well how to do it.
Besides that I am not sure what is your other question. Are you asking how to
start the jobmanager without the UI? Can't you just simply not expose the port?
On 30/09/2021 02:41, Dhiru wrote:
Hi ,
My requirement is to create Flink cluster application Mode on k8s and do
not want to expose UI, my requirement is to start the long-running job which
can be instantiated at boot time of flink and keep running
use these resource files from jobmanager-application-ha.yaml and
taskmanager-job-deployment.yaml for creating cluster
a) I need to start job during run time , I can bundle my jar with Flink
image, so that can instantiate jar
b) Can I apply HPA (horizontal pod autoscalar) for task manager, will this
work so that according to workload instance of taskmanager goes up and down.