Hi, I deployed flink in session mode. I didn't run any jobs. I saw below logs. That is normal, same as Flink menual shows.
+ /opt/flink/bin/run-job-manager.sh Starting HA cluster with 1 masters. Starting standalonesession daemon on host job-manager-776dcf6dd-xzs8g. Starting taskexecutor daemon on host job-manager-776dcf6dd-xzs8g. But when I check kubectl, it shows status is Completed. After a while, status changed to CrashLoopBackOff, and pod restart. NAME READY STATUS RESTARTS AGE job-manager-776dcf6dd-xzs8g 0/1 Completed 5 5m27s NAME READY STATUS RESTARTS AGE job-manager-776dcf6dd-xzs8g 0/1 CrashLoopBackOff 5 7m35s Anyone can help me understand why? Why do kubernetes regard this pod as completed and restart? Should I config something? either Flink side or Kubernetes side? From the Flink manual, after the cluster is started, I can upload a jar to run the application. Thanks, Qihua