I think it's a valid request to have a tear-down method whenever we have a
setup. I guess in this situation we should simply use 2 different
signatures for close (e.g. different names or parameters).

Would you mind filing a feature request ticket? I can also take care of
that otherwise.

On Thu, Sep 2, 2021 at 10:47 AM Dawid Wysakowicz <dwysakow...@apache.org>

> Hi Sergio,
> You can find the explanation why we haven't added the close method in the
> corresponding JIRA ticke[1]:
> When adding close() method to both DeserializationSchema and
> SerializationSchema with a default implementation, it breaks source
> compatibility if a user's class implements both interfaces at the same
> time. The problem is that java does not know which default implementation
> to use from those two interfaces as the close() signature is the same in
> both. In flink code base we have three of such implementations:
> SimpleStringSchema TypeInformationSerializationSchema and one in tests It
> is not a problem for open as we have a paremeter there that differentiates
> the two methods.
> We decided to skip the close for now until we have a first use case for
> it. We do not need to close the schema registry client because it
> communicates over REST. Moreover no other schema needs a close for now. For
> the Table API we also need only the open for generating the code of the
> serializer.
> Now that you're reaching out with such a requirement we might revisit it.
> WDYT Arvid?
> Best,
> Dawid
> [1] https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/FLINK-17306
> On 02/09/2021 10:37, Sergio Morales wrote:
> Thank you for the answer. I’m using the (De)SerializationSchema in such
> way that it has a reference to a custom class that manages some resources.
> In the open() method I’m able to init the resources accordingly, but it is
> really strange that despite providing an “open()” there is no counter-part
> “close()” to release properly the same resources. We have in the project a
> memory leak that could be resolved using the close() API approach and now
> we have to do some extra hop by subclassing the SinkFunction to `@Override`
> the close method in order to close itself and the resources managed by the
> De/SerializationSchema too.
> I was considering to add the close() API method by following a previous
> PR: https://github.com/apache/flink/pull/12006 , would it be something
> that the team is willing to accept or should I avoid any effort on that
> part because the previous design document is not valid anymore?
> Regards,
> Sergio.
> *From: *Caizhi Weng <tsreape...@gmail.com> <tsreape...@gmail.com>
> *Date: *Thursday, 2 September 2021 at 04:18
> *To: *Sergio Morales <sdmorale...@gmail.com> <sdmorale...@gmail.com>
> *Cc: *user <user@flink.apache.org> <user@flink.apache.org>
> *Subject: *Re: De/Serialization API to tear-down user code
> Hi!
> The (De)serializationSchema is only a helper for changing the data object
> to another format. What's your use case? If you're creating a
> (De)serializationSchema for a source / sink you might want to open and
> close the resources in the open / close methods of the source / sink, not
> in the (De)serializationSchema.
> Sergio Morales <sdmorale...@gmail.com> 于2021年9月1日周三 下午6:44写道:
> Hi,
> I’m currently working to close some resources while using the 
> SerializationSchema and DeserializationSchema (Flink-core v1.12.1), however, 
> after revising the document outlining the API the methods 
> (https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=148645988) 
> the close() operations are missing, and in the master branch I could not find 
> any new version including them:
> * 
> https://github.com/apache/flink/blob/99c2a415e9eeefafacf70762b6f54070f7911ceb/flink-core/src/main/java/org/apache/flink/api/common/serialization/SerializationSchema.java
> * 
> https://github.com/apache/flink/blob/99c2a415e9eeefafacf70762b6f54070f7911ceb/flink-core/src/main/java/org/apache/flink/api/common/serialization/DeserializationSchema.java
> Thank you for any help.
> Regards,
> Sergio.

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