
I have a Flink workflow which is partitioned on a key common to all the stream 
objects and a key that is best suited to the high volume of data I am 
processing. I now want to add in a new stream of prices that I want to make 
available to all partitioned streams - however, this new stream of prices does 
not have this common keyBy value.

I have tried writing a piece of code using then broadcast() method (no args) to 
get this new price stream to be sent to all the parallel instances on an 
operator. The code looks like this:

KeyedStream<RefData> keyedRefDataStream = ....;

DataStream<Price> prices = ....;
DataStream<Price> broadcastPrices = prices.broadcast();

    .process(new RefDataPriceJoiner()); // implements KeyedCoProcessFunction

I then get an error saying the broadcastPrices stream must be keyed - but I 
can't key it on the same key as the refData stream because it lacks this field.

I could reshuffle all my data by re-keying the ref data on a different field 
but this will cause a huge amount of data to be sent over the network compared 
with me being able to broadcast this much smaller amount of data to my keyed 
streams. Note I am assuming this isn't a "broadcast state" example - I assume 
the broadcast() method allows me to send data to all partitions.

Is any of this possible? Any pointers for me would be very helpful as I can't 
find answer on the web or in the documentation.

Many thanks,


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