This seems more like a Beam issue although it uses Flink runner. It would be 
helpful to also send it to the Beam user mailing list.

Regarding to this issue itself, could you check is input.txt accessible in the 
Docker container?


> 2021年9月3日 上午5:19,Adam Pearce <> 写道:
> Hello all,
> I’m attempting to run a simple, minimally viable example of a Beam pipeline 
> on Flink. I have installed flink-1.13.2 following the setup instructions, and 
> have successfully run the server and navigated to localhost:8081 to view the 
> Web UI. I can see the job successfully submitted and running. It runs, and 
> completes, but the output is not appropriate and the final output never 
> occurs. I have enabled DEBUG logging for further output, but I don’t really 
> see anything that would indicate issues other than what I am showing below. 
> I’ve attached the complete log.
> I am running the following from a Python 3.8.12 virtualenv with apache-beam 
> 2.31.0 installed via pip:
> python -m apache_beam.examples.wordcount --input input.txt --output counts 
> --runner FlinkRunner --flink_master="localhost:8081" [--flink_submit_uber_jar]
> I have tried with and without “--flink_submit_uber_jar” without any change. 
> The local embedded run of this pipeline works (same command as above, 
> omitting “flink_master”. I understand that running this through the Flink 
> server will use docker to stand up containers to perform the work. It appears 
> to be successfully pulling the image: “apache/beam_python3.8_sdk:2.31.0”. I’m 
> curious if there is some issue with the Python container, because in the 
> logs, I am seeing:
> 2021/09/02 20:57:54 Initializing python harness: /opt/apache/beam/boot 
> --id=5-1 --provision_endpoint=host.docker.internal:55847
> 2021/09/02 20:57:54 Downloaded: /tmp/staged/pickled_main_session 
> (sha256:4e9a1199bade55ad73ae6872c8f156c69227ef23d8155f19dead745264999084, 
> size: 3029)
> 2021/09/02 20:57:54 Found artifact: pickled_main_session
> 2021/09/02 20:57:54 Installing setup packages ...
> 2021/09/02 20:57:54 Executing: python -m 
> apache_beam.runners.worker.sdk_worker_main
> 2021/09/02 20:57:55 Python exited: <nil>
> I’ve searched high and low for that “Python exited: <nil>” but have found 
> very little.
> Further context:
> Operating system: macOS 11.5.2
> Docker: Docker version 20.10.8, build 3967b7d
> Python: 3.8.12 (virtualenv)
> Beam: 2.31.0
> Flink: 1.13.2
> This communication is the property of XOR Security and may contain 
> confidential or privileged information. Unauthorized use of this 
> communication is strictly prohibited and may be unlawful. If you have 
> received this communication in error, please immediately notify the sender by 
> reply e-mail and destroy all copies of the communication and any attachments. 
> <flink-root-standalonesession-3-MacBook-Pro.local.log><flink-root-taskexecutor-3-MacBook-Pro.local.log>

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